There has been a lot of talk within the dog community recently pertaining to the extremely high intelligence of man's best friend.
60 Minutes even aired a spot this past October called "The Smartest Dog in the World" with correspondent Anderson Cooper and Chaser, a border collie who can identify over 1000 toys. (If you're a dog lover and missed the CBS editorial, you can it in it's full 12 minute glory here on our SportBlog).
The reality is, dogs have the potential to be very smart animals (some more than others, of course) - and Chase, the Rhodesian Ridgeback featured in the following video, is certainly one of the smart ones. Chase's tricks include: ringing a bell, putting the TV remote away, and bouncing, to name a few ...
Check out the very talented Chase in the video below! (And remember not to be confused with "Chaser" from 60 Minutes.)
And for more dogs showing off their intelligence and skills, be sure to check us out @SportLeash on:
Matt Formica
Feb 03, 2015