My boxer is a really good listener, but no matter how many times I try to tell her not to go on the pool cover, she does it anyway - so this video really reminded me of her...
If you have one of these stretchy green pool covers like my parents do at their house, and you also own a dog, you've probably seen something like this video before - in person. For some reason, dogs (especially boxers its seems) love running all over these things! At least mine does...
And it would be all good if boxers didn't have a history of hip issues (ahem, like ours). Thankfully, one of the dogs in this video who took a spill seemed to run it off just fine. So I guess there's nothing wrong with a little slip n slide fun!
Long story short, this video hit home for me ... Literally.
For more videos of boxers and other dogs, be sure to stay connected with us @SportLeash on:
Matt Formica
Apr 15, 2015