While some dogs can be good at hiding, most are pretty easy to find.
These 10 mutts think no one can see them. But we definitely can.
1.) "Can someone just scoop some sand on my butt??"

2.) "I can't see them so they definitely can't see me..."

3.) "Nothing to see here but a few couch cushions."

4.) "Pay no attention to the dog butt behind the curtain."

5.) "Hopefully they don't turn this thing on."

6.) "Sometimes I hate having a big butt."

7.) "I'm a husky, don't you know I like it cold? Btw...Do you need the mustard? If not, close the door."

8.) "Something tells me this isn't a great hiding spot..."

9.) "Don't move, whatever you do, don't. move."

And the undisputed champion of dog hide and seek...
10.) "HAHAHAHA, You guys will NEVER find me! (Just please don't step on me.")

For more funny dog galleries, check us out @SportLeash on:

(Credit to eartporm.com for the post-inspiration!)
Matt Formica
Feb 12, 2015