Forget the kids! Rose Ann Bolasny, a New York accountant, has decided to leave about 1 million Euros to her Maltese terrier.
The dog, named Bella Mia (pictured above with Bolasny), is set to inherit jewelry, a trust fund, and a holiday home worth 1 million Euro. (For those who aren't hip with current conversion rates, that's about $1,159,230 US).
Bolasny has two sons, who despite being cut out of the will, said were "quite happy" for Bella Mia. Yeah right!!! (Kidding) ... But the fact that the sons are happy for their mom's beloved dog really goes to show you how much people - everyone - love their pets like family.
Bolasny said her Maltese was a "gift from God." She was also quoted saying, "I explained to them (her sons) that I know they love Bella Mia very much but I wanted to make sure that if anything happens to us she was taken care in the way that she's used to." Bella reportedly has her own bedroom with double bed and gets spoon fed filet mignon for dinner on a regular basis. "My sons at that point were not part of that house because it's a recent purchase," she added.
So here's to Bella, and all those other "gifts from God" out there who bring everyone around them so much love...
Oh and if Bella is looking for something to invest her money in, she can have her people contact our team at SportLeash directly.
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Image credit: Barcroft USA
Matt Formica
Jan 19, 2015