In yet another sign of a thriving pet industry, the amount of shoppers dishing out the dough for the dog (and other pets) is continuing to be a rising trend.
There will be many last minute holiday shoppers hitting the stores today (including yours truly), and it won't just be for the friends and family. Well, the human kind of friends and family that is...
According to the National Retail Federation, the average shopper is expected to spend over $30 on pet gifts ($30.43 to be exact) during November and December this year - up 14.2% from 2013. To put that in perspective, spending on family is on target to increase 6.5% and friends 6.7%.
Currently, about 70% of US households have furry (or hairy) family member.
What does that mean for you or I, as we scramble to snag some gifts last minute? It means we're going to see plenty of options for Milo and Otis not just in pet stores - but in the aisles of retailers like Marshalls, TJ Maxx, and Wal Mart. (Wal Mart's highest sales in dog and cat treats happen in the last two months of the year). Smaller, independent retailers and Mom and Pop's show boosts in pet sales this time of year as well.
At the Santa Monica Place mall down the street from the SportLeash HQ, you might even see Santa Paws, and your dog or cat can bypass kissing up to you (pun intended) and go straight to the source himself.
Sounds like Santa's sleigh is getting harder and harder to pull.
And as a gift to you for reading this blog post, use discount code XMASEVE today and get 24% off your order at Code will expire at midnight tonight...
Happy Holidays, Team SportLeash!
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Image cred: LA Times
Matt Formica
Dec 24, 2014